Thursday, April 03, 2008

Little Friday is Little Business Day

It might be fun. It should be rewarding. But it's not going to be easy.

Whatever the industry, whatever your plan, regardless of all your best efforts, in spite of your experience (or lack thereof); it's not going to be easy to run your own business. It might be easy to start your own business, but starting it and keeping it going are two different things.

Running your own business can certainly be a positive journey - empowering, creatively stimulating, life-changing, life-affirming... you know the buzz words. But it's a difficult journey; that's its nature.

Don't be discouraged, but don't be foolish either. If you are considering entrepreneurship, ask yourself, "Is it going to be easy?" If your answer is, "Yes," keep your day job.

Thanks to Michael Whelan for use of his copyrighted image "Edgedancer". Michael would probably be the first to tell you that being a professional artist is the same as running your own business. Once again, not easy.

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