Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Event Appreciation Day

Wow! How much is there to do in the weeks ahead? Come to one of the listed events to meet the Baby Tattoo crew, Baby Tattoo published artists and/or Baby Tattooville Featured Artists (past and future).

May 10-11 - Baby Tattoo at Emerald City ComiCon - Seattle, Washington

May 10 - Gris Grimly signing at Lewis Gallery - Simi Valley, California

May 10 - Luke Chueh Solo Show at Copro Nason - Los Angeles

May 10 - Elizabeth McGrath Solo Show at Billy Shire Fine Arts - Los Angeles

May 17-18 - Baby Tattoo Books and Jeffery Scott (1019) at Glamourcon - Los Angeles

May 17 - Tim Biskup Solo Show at Jonathan LeVine Gallery - New York

May 17 - Grimly, Pigors, Ragnar and Visell at the Animation Book Look - Los Angeles

May 30 - June 1 - Baby Tattoo at Book Expo America (Professionals Only) - Los Angeles

June 6-8 - Baby Tattoo and multiple artists at Ink-n-Iron - Long Beach, California

June 7 - Gris Grimly Limited Edition Book Release at Halloweentown - Burbank, California

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